Social Housing Wellington Street
Collingwood, VIC
2021 - 2024
Victorian Government “Big Housing Build” $5.3billion Social Housing Project
Fieldwork Architects, Openwork, Andy Fergus, Relative Projects, Fowler and Ward, We are on to it.
Homes Victoria
The project provides social and affordable housing in Collingwood as a part of the Victorian Government Big Housing Build initiative.
This project is to deliver 150 high quality, well designed and sustainable social housing that provides homes to those in need. The project promotes good design, makes the most of open space and has an environmentally efficient design, meaning the homes will be more comfortable as well as less expensive to heat and cool carrying a 5-star Green Star rating and a 7-star NatHERS average rating.
The passionate design team hopes to integrate this project into the broader neighbourhood, leaving a positive legacy for the community that we can be proud of.
Our role
Yerrabingin worked collaboratively with Fieldwork Architects and the project’s consultant group throughout the design process, providing Connecting with Country input to workshops and reviewing the design proposals in addition to preparing desktop Aboriginal Cultural Heritage report and facilitating an engagement process with the local Aboriginal community.